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Some may think that bad spelling is just a sign of laziness, but spelling disorder is a learning disability that actually affects many people. Because it is connected to language, there may be other learning disorders present as well. Symptoms include difficulty spelling, trouble with reading comprehension, as well as other related problems. 
In the past there were few options for people with this learning disability, but today things are different. Here on GoMentor.com, you can find trained therapists who can assist with spelling disorders. This learning disability tends to be passed down from parents to their children.
It's important to know that a spelling disorder can be embarrassing because most people assume you're "just dumb" and can't spell. On GoMentor.com you can book online therapy sessions with trained staff who know the facts about spelling disorders and can help alleviate the symptoms. From depression to other mental illnesses, a spelling disorder that is not treated could lead to many other serious problems. 
The online counseling and therapy here at GoMentor.com can help with all the frustrations that come with a spelling disorder. Being able to talk about the problem with others who understand is an incredible way to make a bad situation a little bit easier to deal with. In the past there were not many options for people with a spelling disorder, but today more is known about the learning disability, so more can be done about it.